четверг, 30 октября 2014 г.

Arthur Hailey "Airport"

BY the time I was working at the hotel, my *the one and only authority in reading aka DAD* recommended Hotel by A. Hailey. I was blown away for a couple of days. It was me living in that Huge hotel and taking part af all the action in the book.
Now the "Airport" came into my life. Knowing the author relieved me of any asumptions, and what was left - made me only enjoy the book.
Now, of the book:
I feel more gaining when a book has several story lines. Connected or not, it's always captivating to watch  a few actions at a time. At least for me. I think it's goes deep in the roots of my multifunctionality...)))
As I was speaking - That huge machinery, called Airport, is a spinning wheel of faith. It's a structure beyond the bulding, and the life maker beyond the structure. And the moste tempered, calculated, grounded person in all this croud calvar is Mel. My type of male. Well-doing person and good-willing mind got me.
Another mascule I would allow myself to adore is Joe Patroni. Raw carismatic professional, loveable husband and man of a Promise.He is a trouble-shooter and a reliable person. It takes a *Joe Patroni* to get things done. And that's a life rule at the Airport.
My not so much Crush Nominee goes to another good God creature Keith - selfconcious, sacrify oriented, heart person. My prayers were with him all the time and I'me revigorated that the happy end enlighted his soul.
And of course - Ada - that little devil of the airport flights. This Lady was really getting on my nervs. She was the one who enjoyed her own lies, so that's a big NO fo me. Seeming so innocent and harmless, but always calculated, Ada is a caracter of disturbance.

More than a good book for me! Read it!

#book title: Airport #author: Arthur  Hailey<< Those were going to take a lot of working out, if they could be worked out at all, and there was a limit to the number of complications a man could handle at one time.
<< London is the kind of inefficient mess which only the English can create."
<< there aren't many takers---eligible ones---for used bride with baby."
<< You could lose communication in other ways besides the spoken word.
<< at times he had the impression that her little hands reached up and gathered stars of truth.
<< Is there any fat rush?" "Not really," Mel said. "Any time in the next half hour will do."
<< old enough to be experienced, young enough to be taught a thing or two and to get excited,
<< Sexually, Lionel was a dying duck.
<< An airline flight from any major terminal is, in effect, like a river joining the sea.
<< recently he had taken to throwing paint on canvas, then riding over it with a child's tricycle.
<< "I already warned my men. They'll make with the jokes and save the jujitsu."
<< When the girl looked at him directly, Guerrero---who was seldom affected by women---had the feeling he was going to melt. She also had the biggest tits he had ever seen.
<< and if Cindy had been able to choose a moment for dying, because nothing afterward could ever be that moment's equal, she would have chosen then.
<< He had long ago recognized that in life there were gambits which you won, others that you lost.
<< And what was true here was true elsewhere.

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