вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.

Ayla Fisher discovering a dog lover in us

By now means I would expect ourselves to get a dog that soon and in a flat. But things got wild as our Rescue senses were alerted and she came into our lives.
I'm still reserved and still sniffing around to see how much damage she brings. But it's an alive dog-beeing and I'm sure we'll get along.
It's interesting how a pet transforms you into a socializer. A lot of people with dogs get in contact and become friends. So, my all alone lady friends - that's an option for you to meet somebody:) And why not through a common passion for dogs.
I mean, it's a million things I could write about her, but I prefer just to say * Never raise your expectations too hight and you'll never get disappointed*. Works perfectly for me, and our little girl is really shy and almost as good as we want her to be.
 I could never imagine that in the first day at a new place, this cuty would go to sleep at her place, will not destroy the house, furniture etc. She is quite receptive around us.
Let's see what she does today. When nobody's around for a few hours:)

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