понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.


It is like a person's mood:) Changing each 5 seconds. But I like the variety:)And the view:)


Am rasfoit poze prin aparat foto - si sunt o gramada de cele interesante acolo:) Printre care si asta de mai jos:)
Cat inseamna o companie buna pentru o poza reusita:)

Jenga game:)

 My Viking supplied me with an interesting time-spender:) Jenga game:) It is so easy and so funny. I've tried it yesterday with my brother and there were more laughs than blocks on the top of tower:)
Recommend 100% to everyone.
Jenga involves stacking blocks one on top of another. Blocks all along the height of the tower are removed and stacked on top to form an ever increasingly tall tower. The taller the tower gets, the less stable it becomes until it simply has to collapse. The player in whose turn the tower collapses is the loser.

четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.

Filippo and his passion:)

 My brother is an Inter fan also:) So I've got this story from him. I like the boy's devotement and I think it is great that he was appreciated:)

Filippo, a 9-year-old Inter fan, was tired of his favorite club losing, so when he attended Saturday's match against Bologna, he brought a sign with a polite personal appeal written on it. "Can you win? Otherwise I'll get teased at school. Thanks. Filippo," his sign read in Inter's black and blue colors with an arrow pointing down to himself so they would know exactly who was asking.
In the end, Filippo's attempt to avoid a bit of teasing was in vain as Inter lost 3-0 to lowly Bologna at the San Siro for the first time since 1998 -- their third straight Serie A loss and third straight match without even scoring a goal. After the match, Inter tried to make it up to Filippo by inviting him to their training ground for a special gift.
From Football Italia:
He received his own personalised shirt from captain Javier Zanetti and President Massimo Moratti personally called the boy's family to organise the special trip.
"I won't change team, as I remain an Inter fan," Filippo told Telelombardia. "When we won the Treble, I was the one who wound up my friends. Now I can walk around with my head held high.
"I hope the banner I showed against Bologna is the last I will have to hold up…"


I love reading. I might admit that I am not reading as much as I want to(or can), but I always have a book with me, wherever I go. Just in case.
What is this post about?
Well, I saw a really pitiful man(by appearance) in a bus today, I rolled my eyes over him till I saw a book in his arms.He was reading. It was so surprisingly pleasant. A bunch of high-lever intellectuals where all busy with their thoughts and will of taking a seat, and only one person didn't care:) Because he was reading:)Because he departed away from this exact moment and was leaving another life somewhere in the book. And I envy this people. I am "this people" whenever I take a book in my hands.
Read books!

вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.

Soul life:)

My mom has a saying: If you do something, you have to put your soul in it, otherwise don't even try to do it.
So, if she cooks, it comes out great and if she is growing some home flowers, they are blooming all year long. I love it, I love to come home and to see "million" of different colors.
SO here is our Christmas Colorful place:)

воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

Meet the parents:)

"Ata merge dupa ac"- asta e ceea ce mi-a zis mama intr-un mod convingator ce nu lasa urme pentru intrebari.
De maine incepe viata cea plina de aranjamente si planificari:)O viata, in care mai e loc si pentru Yoga(incepand din martie), un dulap nou si multa broderie de Paste. As vrea sa reusesc sa fac mai multe aplicatii pentru a trimite cadouase dragilor mei de peste hotare:)

среда, 15 февраля 2012 г.

понедельник, 13 февраля 2012 г.

Dog Show:)

Вчера заскочили на выставку собак^)
Без сомнения, я предварительно подготовилась ко всем ужасным последствиям Выставки Собак в закрытом помещении, так что особо носом не водила от "ароматов":)
Как всегда высматривала Акиту и Бернского Зиненхунда(фавориты личного пристрастия).
И ооочень очень сильно понравился Тайский Риджбек) И окрас и размеры) Ну просто вот запала душа на него:)

И вообще, оказывается волей-неволей уже стала постоянным посетителем Выставок Собак::)Оказывается это очень приятное времяпровождение:)

среда, 8 февраля 2012 г.


I was looking for some clothes to put fast on in a winter time day. And i found it. It didn't even bother me that it's bigger then I am :) It's so warm and pink:)Love it.

I might not be sexy, but I'm definitely happy:)

воскресенье, 5 февраля 2012 г.


Got a New Voucher for Yoga:)Can't wait to rejoin Yoga sessions:) It gives me a bunch of calm and a lot of energy for future.

It is always so good to be at home.Mom is taking care of everything and we can just be kids again, have fun, sleep till midday and eat jam with pancakes:))
I haven't seen Coby yet. I know he's a sweety and a have to take some photos of him, but can't find time to do it properly.
It's a work week to come) And I am happy about it:)